CUCEI is a dynamic community that is continually reviewing and updating its management and service delivery processes. As a school organization, one of the keys to its success is that many of its work programs are developed with a transversal character. The clearest example of this policy is the Integral Documentation Center, which groups and organizes library services for the benefit of all students, academics, graduates, employees and the general public.
As a university institution, we are interested in a comprehensive and broad formation of our students, and in the development of academics and workers, so in addition to receiving services of an administrative nature, during their stay at the university they have the opportunity to participate in cultural, sports or recreational activities. Thus, in this section you will find ample information about scholarships and support, internet access, library and school services, among others.
On the other hand, as a public institution with social responsibility, it also offers a wide variety of services to the general public. These are described in more detail in the Extensión y Difusión section.