For the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías, it is extremely important to keep applicants, students and graduates informed about the administrative processes related to their school career.
The coordination of the Computer Engineering program at the University of Guadalajara (UdeG) plays a fundamental role in the administration of school procedures specific to this discipline. Computer Engineering, being at the intersection of technology and innovation, requires an efficient and specialized management of procedures to ensure that students can take full advantage of the resources and opportunities offered by this career.
Here are the steps for the most requested procedures in the coordination:
Accreditation and revalidation of subjects
Cancellation of courses
Certification of study plans
Grade correction
Accreditation exam by competency
License applications
Article 35 Opportunity
The procedures that are not included in this section correspond to the Coordination of School Control, located in module A, first floor.